An End Of Year Blockchain Summary And Primer

By December 10, 2015Bitcoin Business

In some respects, 2015 has been the year that Blockchain technology has emerged as part of the broader conversation.

Over the year, I’ve written numerous articles focused around how Blockchain technology might play a role in building a music business that allows artists to have sustainable careers on their own terms.

It’s been amazing to watch the conversation around this technology grow. When I started writing about it, it was pretty much me, D.A. Wallach , and Bill Tai/Richard Branson talking about this technology. Now, it’s a fairly pervasive topic.

Still, there is a tremendous amount of confusion about what Blockchain is, and how precisely it might impact artists. To this end, I’ve collected below all of the articles/interviews I’ve posted to FORBES over the year on the subject.

The single best part of writing for FORBES is that it affords me the opportunity to talk to people who are far smarter than I, and I am grateful to them for giving so freely of their time and knowledge.

Before the list of links to the articles, I would like to try to summarize here – as concisely as I am able – what exactly this Blockchain thing is, and how it might impact the arts.

Certainly, neither I nor anyone else knows definitively where this will go, but the discourse has been productive, and I’m more confident than ever that we will begin seeing more tangible manifestations of this technology being applied to music/art. (Photo credit STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN/AFP/Getty Images) In short, Blockchain technology could facilitate the use and tracking of so-called “smart contracts.” These smart contracts would be a set of rules (and related costs) that an artist could – via Blockchain technology – permanently and (if they choose) transparently ascribe to their musical works.

These smart contracts would be “machine […]

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