What We Know: Alleged Bitcoin Creator Craig Wright’s Tax Troubles

By December 10, 2015Bitcoin Business

Authorities are investigating Craig Wright, the man now believed to be bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto, but the reasons behind the latest actions in Australia are murky.

Following the publication of new evidence suggesting Australian businessman Craig S Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto, law enforcement officials appear to be suddenly interested in Wright.

Police were quick to raid his home and office in Sydney, Australia, yesterday. The actions have so far ignited speculation as to why authorities are interested in Wright, and whether this has to do with his connection to the digital currency.

So far, the official line from authorities is that the events are unconnected.

According to reports, authorities have attributed the action to an investigation by the Australian Tax Office (ATO), though the timing of the investigation into the matter, it’s safe to say, appears suspicious.

For now, the agency is sharing few details. When reached for comment, ATO spokesperson John Hulin told CoinDesk: "Due to confidentiality provisions in the Tax Administration Act the ATO cannot comment on any individual’s or entity’s tax affairs." This doesn’t mean that the community is without clues, however.

Documentation uncovered by WIRED , Gizmodo and Business Insider offers possible insight into to why the ATO is investigating Wright and whether their might be validity to the official claims by authorities. Bad blood

So far, the most compelling resource offering insight into the matter is a liquidation document for Hotwire Preemptive Intelligence Pty Limited, a bitcoin firm Wright attempted to launch in 2013.Authored by Hotwire’s corporate advisory firm McGrathNicol, the document centers on issues between Hotwire and Australian tax authorities. As reported by Investor Daily , the dispute put a damper on Wright’s business plans, which ultimately fizzled as Hotwire’s problems with the ATO worsened.Where the blame lies in the incident is unclear from available evidence, and may hint […]

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