BitFury Brings Unparalleled Energy Efficiency to the Bitcoin Network With 16nm ASIC Chip

By December 17, 2015Bitcoin Business

BitFury Slapped with Lawsuit from Former Employee. newsbtc bitcoin news Bitcoin blockchain infrastructure provider BitFury Group has officially announced the mass production of fastest and most effective 16nm Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) Chip that will bring unmatched energy efficiency to the bitcoin network.

Bitcoin mining requires heavy doses of electricity, which has compelled people to raise questions about the environmental impacts of the process. Bloomberg once called Bitcoin Mining a Real-World Environmental Disaster .

Valery Vavilov, CEO of BitFury said in the press release: “ We are very excited to launch mass production of our super 16nm ASIC Chip.The final results of our hard work have fully met our expectations. We understand that it will be nearly impossible for any older technology to compete with the performance of our new 16nm technology. ”

Key Features of the new BitFury Chip

There are several features which make the 16nm ASIC Chip an outstanding achievement. The measured power efficiency of the Chip ranges from 0.055 joules per gigahash to 0.07 joules per gigahash, for a computational target of 40 gigahash per second.

The Chip can work with voltage as low as 0.35V, something which was previously unattainable with existing silicon devices.

The 16nm Chip can deliver a minimum computing power of 100 gigahash per second, which can go to 140 gigahash per second using air cooling, and up to 184 gigahash per second using immersion cooling.

The Bitcoin transaction processor boasts that the 16nm Chip will succeed even in the upcoming “ Exahash Era, ” the period when the bitcoin network computing power exceeds 1,000 pentahashes (quintillion hash operations) per second. The Chip is programmed to deliver up to 4 times the amount of computing power at a given energy level than the currently deployed 28nm ASIC. The latest design from BitFury […]

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