NewsBTC Partners with ascribe

By December 17, 2015Bitcoin Business

One of our favorite topics at NewsBTC is proof of existence, whereby a single hash value can be used to authenticate any data in existence. We’ve written extensively about how this will revolutionize real estate and healthcare, its applications for blockchain systems, and how it will evolve in the future.

That’s how we know that this concept is the future, which will soon revolutionize intellectual property, as well. Just as we’ve embraced decentralized content development and distribution , we plan to promote the new IP movement, and so have made ascribe our latest strategic partner. is a new way for creators to lock in attribution of their digital work, securely sharing and tracing where it spreads online. Users can upload art, photography, logos, designs, gifs, or any other type of digital creation. For non-digital artwork, the users submit photos or other forms of documentation, instead.

When a piece is registered with ascribe, a unique cryptographic ID is generated and stored on the Bitcoin blockchain. The cryptographic ID is made from the digital work and its artist’s identity, producing a permanent and unbreakable link between the two.

Storing attribution on the blockchain allows anyone to verify authenticity and trace the work back to its original creator, which can help if someone attempts to claim your artwork as their own. In this manner, you can prove authorship without using central authorities such as copyright registrars. The time and money saved could be used for other purposes, like becoming your own record label or publisher.

The project is managed by Bruce Pon and Trent and Masha McConaghy, who proudly support crypto non-profits such as the Decentralized Dance Party . ascribe’s services are free of charge to artists as part of their campaign to empower everyone to own and manage their intellectual property. Revenue comes from […]

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