Tech Titans and Industry Pundits Look into their Cloud-Based Crystal Balls to Predict Tech’s Future

By December 29, 2015Bitcoin Business

NEW YORK, Dec. 29, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — Living in Digital Times , a conferences and events company that showcases products in the context of lifestyle, invited some of its expert speakers who’ll be featured at CES ® 2016 to weigh in on what’s in store for the upcoming year. The experts represent eclectic markets including: kids and families, fitness, beauty, finance, health, fashion, education and more. With over 250 exhibitors and 300 speakers, Living in Digital Times has increased its show floor participation space by 40% from 2015.

Living in Digital Times posed the following question to their guest speakers: Where will technology take us in 2016? Read on for their forecasts.

Advances in Technology
"It’s a Lake Wobegone year for technology (Google it). All the men will be talking to their cars and TVs, all the women will be bedecked in beautiful but smart jewelry and all the kids will have their drone driver’s licenses before the age of 12." -Robin Raskin, founder and president, Living in Digital Times.

"As drones, personalized medicine, artificial intelligence, driverless cars, 3D printing and other breakthrough technologies reinvent the way we do just about everything, I predict that CTA will be focusing policy makers and the public alike on the benefits of these innovations." – Gary Shapiro, President and CEO, Consumer Technology Association.

Advances in Digital Health
"Advances in medical technology are erasing physical barriers to medical care. Beginning in 2016, patients will have the ability to be medically examined from anywhere – not just video chats, but actual real-time physical examinations. Technology will shrink further and be applied to numerous fields in healthcare. Health will be monitored not just at medical clinics, but also at home, at work, anywhere. Technology in hand, consumers will soon meet their doctors halfway. The next several decades […]

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