PwC and Blockstream Announce Strategic Partnership

By January 28, 2016Bitcoin Business

Blockstream provides companies access to the most mature, well tested, and secure blockchain technology in production – the Bitcoin protocol extended via interoperable sidechains to support new applications – along with one of the most experienced teams in the industry. PwC brings deep industry experience, a broad range of business services and cutting-edge client insights. Together, PwC and Blockstream will help companies evaluate cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies and launch new uses for the Bitcoin protocol.

"For our clients, understanding new world applications of Bitcoin and blockchain technology, adapting it for myriad uses, and using it optimally are critical to improving financial security, efficiency and compliance," said Haskell S. Garfinkel, Partner, FinTech Co-Leader, PwC. "PwC is teaming with Blockstream to offer our joint knowledge and capabilities to clients – giving them one place to go, maximizing expertise, talent, and assets from both organizations."

Together, PwC and Blockstream will help clients by collaborating on existing solutions and developing offerings to enable companies to meet new competition, adapt to disruptive market forces and lead innovation.

"As we wrote several months ago, Blockchain technology has the potential to open the door to revolutionary possibilities in multiple industries," said Dean Nicolacakis, Principal, FinTech Co-Leader, PwC. "As we kick off 2016, we’ll be working with Blockstream across our practice areas to bring joint expertise, thought leadership, training, pilots and full-scale implementations to market."

PwC has begun to introduce Blockstream’s tech to companies in the US, Europe and Asia, which are exploring a number of financial and non-financial use cases for blockchains. This complements the Bitcoin exchanges working with us on our first commercial sidechain, Liquid , which has been a way for us to support an industry already deep into this technology. With today’s announcement, PwC opens the door for Blockstream to bring new capabilities to established industry sectors […]

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