Recent Wendy’s Data Breach Shows The Importance of Bitcoin Payments

By January 28, 2016Bitcoin Business

Credit card information being stolen is nothing new under the sun these days, as these types of data breaches are becoming more of a norm rather than an exception. The latest major company to fall victim to a data breach is Wendy’s, a very popular fast food chain in the United States. Bitcoin eliminates the risk of consumer data being stolen and misused by assailants.

Also read: Selling Items For Digital Currency Lets Anyone Become An Entrepreneur Wendy’s Data Breach Could Include Credit Card Info

TheMerkle_Wendy’s Bitcoin Some of the people who have recently enjoyed a meal at Wendy’s in the United States may want to keep an eye on their credit card statements in the next few months. Several customers have reported their cards have been used for fraudulent payments after visiting a Wendy’s near them, which is not good news for the fast food chain.

Unfortunately, this incident does not revolve around one particular location, as several restaurants have been affected by this wave of strange customer card charges. As is the case in many locations around the world, Wendy’s cashiers will swipe the user’s card through a payment terminal, a process that has been ingrained in customer’s habits for quite some time now.

Whether or not there is any truth to these reports, remains to be seen. Coincidence does not often happen , especially not when those fraudulent card charges are reported by customers who have one thing in common. That common occurrence is eating at a Wendy’s. It would not be the first time a major brand is suffering from malware-infected payment terminals , though.

Just a few weeks ago, various Hyatt hotels around the world had reported that some of their payment terminals were infected with malware. As a result, assailants could steal customer credit […]

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