SBI Holdings Brings Ripple Technology To Various Asian Banks

By January 29, 2016Bitcoin Business

Ripple Trade Even though many people do not give much credit to the blockchain service Ripple has managed to create, there seems to be a growing demand for their services in Asian. Thanks to a deal with SBI Holdings, this technology will be able to merge with banking industry experience and create a new company called SBI Ripple Asia. With a large focus on Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and China, Ripple’s enterprise solutions will focus on cross-border bank payments.

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In the Western world, concepts such as Ripple are not gaining too much traction. Part of the reason for this lack of growth can be attributed to a very fierce competition between banks, FinTech companies, and digital currencies. When there is an abundance of choice, it is hard to stand out amongst competitors.

At the same time, things seem to be going swell for Ripple in the Asia-Pacific region as of late. Not only will these enterprise settlement solutions keep making their ways to Australia and Singapore, but an expansion has been planned for other Asian countries as well. Ripple APAC will continue to service the demand in their current markets, whereas SBI Ripple Asia will target a different market.

SBI Holdings, Inc , a well-known global financial services company, has partnered with Ripple to bring cross-border payments to banks active in the region. Countries including Korea, China , and Japan, will soon be able to make use of Ripple’s enterprise solutions. With non-cash payments on the rise in all of these countries, there is a growing demand for companies with commercial deals with top banks in the Asia-Pacific area.

Ripple seems to check all of the boxes in that regard, as their distributed […]

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