Mycelium: New Bitcoin Wallet Offers Opportunity in Crowdsale

By April 30, 2016Bitcoin Business

Bitcoin wallet vendor Mycelium has announced the release of their new Bitcoin wallet and the launch of its crowdsale . This announcement was posted on Reddit and states that the new wallet shall be simply called Mycelium .

The announcement claims that the new wallet has been equipped with a plug in API that will allow anyone to integrate their own services and features directly into the wallet.

Prior to this, companies whose services run on MyceliumCT r: 190 were usually added to the platform by its developers. But according to this release, with the new API businesses and developers will be able to add their own plug-ins quickly and easily without waiting for Mycelium developers to do it.

A spokesperson of Mycelium says: “This also allows businesses to focus on their core business strengths. For example, an exchange’s main job is to create and manage trades. Making a custom wallet specifically for their exchange is a distraction and an unnecessary cost. With our wallet, they can let us focus on the front-end, UI, and trade functions, while they focus on just making sure all their users’ money is handled securely and trades are settled correctly.” Support for multiple currencies and digital assets

Another feature claimed to be embedded in the new wallet is the ability to support many more digital assets beyond BitcoinCT r: 8 .

With the help of the plugin API architecture, anyone would be able to add support for any type of currency or asset, be it Litecoin , Doge, ColoredCoin , Ether, Factom , or personally issued assets like stocks , tickets, or hotel keys.

A spokesperson explains: “We are uniquely positioned to have an advantage in this, because Mycelium already runs a set of highly optimized backend servers that handle and transfer digital assets. We plan to extend […]

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