The Initial Coin Offering OpenLedger ‘ICOO’ Extends Support to Future ICOs in Order to Empower the Community

By May 25, 2016Bitcoin Business

Bitcoin Press Release: Danish CCEDK supports OpenLedger’s crowdsale ‘Initial Coin Offering OpenLedger’ (ICOO). The project aims to gather ICOs on the OpenLedger platform in order to benefit both startups and investors.

May 24 2016, Blokhus, Denmark – As a part of the new offering, the Danish cryptocurrency platform, CCEDK, and OpenLedger have announced the crowdsale of its Initial Coin Offering OpenLedger (ICOO) crowdsale, starting May 20, 2016. The crowdsale will go on for a duration of 42 days, allowing people to buy ICOO tokens for its new Economic Enterprise Engine – Crowdfunding 3.0 initiative.

The ICOO crowdsale is a limited time event where individuals can buy ICOO tokens for the new service that will enable companies and startups to create and organize crowdsale of their ICO on the OpenLedger platform. While crowdfunding through ICO has become a well-established model in the cryptocurrency industry, the success rate for all the cryptocurrency platforms is not the same. While some ICOs like that of Ethereum, Augur and DAO are a huge success, there are many startups that are not able to effectively leverage the power of crowdfunding. Ronny Boesing CEO of CCEDK explains, “The long-term goals for OpenLedger and CCEDK is to be an incubator for tech start-ups, a hub for existing businesses to transition to blockchain-based infrastructure as well as a portal for investors to find these businesses.” The OpenLedger platform will offer a single point for ICOs where investors can buy ICO tokens of their choice without having to scour through the internet, saving them a lot of time while making sure they do not miss out on any of the ICOs. The ICOO token holders, who have either participated in the ICOO or traded their tokens on a later date get special privileges and discounts in addition to any […]

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