Moscow Joins Race to Wreck London As Global Fintech Capital

By July 2, 2016Bitcoin Business

Putin’s business ombudsman says Russia must become the world’s blockchain leader, as he’s certain the country has the necessary resources. There are currently around 500 000 of Blockchain users in Russia, and the number is growing. Following the UK’s decision to leave the EU the race is now on to replace London as the global fintech capital, and Moscow may join the race. Focus on Blockchain

The Party of Growth led by Boris Titov has developed a program which will be presented in the parliament elections this September. Researching and testing Blockchain applications are one of the main priorities for the development of information and financial technology in the country, and are thought to be able to help Russia depart from their dependency on oil and gas.

Titov says: “It is of no less significance than the creation of the Internet. If today we attract all the main technologies and investors in the sphere of the Blockchain and cryptocurrencies, having all the resources, both geographic and human, we would advance to take our place among the leading countries of the world , not only in this sphere, but in general.” The econmy’s main focus should swing towards development of the ‘economy of the future,’ which includes information and digital technologies, advanced engineering services, genetics and biotechnologies. The party stands for the ‘new industrialization’ driving the inflow of high-tech investments to the real economy. Opposition to Central Bank’s policy

Titov is among a few state authorities who openly express their enthusiasm about technology. However, such open-mindedness is not necessarily shared by the majority of his colleagues.

Titov says: “We are in opposition to the current economic policy adopted by the government and the Central Bank. Unfortunately, so far the President backs them, but we hope it will change soon.” Interestingly, the Duma […]

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