SWIFT Fears Bitcoin? Institute Asks if Bitcoin Threatens Paper Money

By September 7, 2016Bitcoin Business

Could Bitcoin run the world in the future, instead of the current fiat currency system? SWIFT thought enough of this question to study the idea in-depth. According to the U.S. Department of Energy , the Earth gets more solar power from the sun in a single hour than humanity uses in an entire year. Yet, solar power only provided 0.39% of the energy used in the US last year. Why? Because the world runs on hazardous, inefficient, primitive oil. Why? Because the countries, governments, and businesses of the world want it that way to control the use of money, energy and systems on the planet. Solar energy is a far better, safer, and a much more efficient energy system, but the world will never use it at scale. This is not an accident. This is by design. Why do I bring that subject up on a Bitcoin news site? The question of how the world uses energy is a microcosm of the way the world turns in many different industries and globalized systems. The only other global system which is as important as how the world gains and uses energy is the monetary system. Do you see any similarities in the world’s current monetary policy? I would argue that it is the other side of the same coin. Virtually identical in design, and control. The world uses a fiat currency system, managed by central bankers in virtually every nation in the world. The Federal Reserve in the United States, and the Bank of England pulling the main strings, deciding just how fast the world goes round. No fiat, or paper money on the planet has any actual, intrinsic value. There haven’t been gold standards in over 40 years. Central banks alone control the amount of money in circulation, and […]

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