Made in Chelsea’s Francis Boulle: We face a global currency crisis ‘on a truly unprecedented scale’

By September 8, 2016Bitcoin Business

Francis Boulle in Ghana Francis Boulle Viewers of Channel 4’s "Made in Chelsea" will know 27-year-old Francis Boulle as a popular member of West London’s rich and partying jet set. But the reality TV star has spent the past three years mining for gold in Ghana – far away from SW3 – and has big plans for other projects, including a huge agricultural operation in the country. Boulle sat down with Business Insider to discuss his extremely bullish view on the gold and silver market, the future of currencies and how his television profile has affected his ability to raise capital. Below is a transcript of the interview, edited for clarity: Business Insider’s Ben Moshinsky: Could you talk about your fascination with gold? What are you doing in that industry? Francis Boulle: I really started to become interested in gold when I was at school studying for my economics A-level. I suppose it was then that I began to understand the place of gold in society, as a store of value and as this natural hedge against the government the sanctioned debasement of currencies – I was actually also studying the collapse of the Weimar republic at the time, so the inevitable consequences of governments trying to print their way out of debt was pretty very fresh in my mind. I was actually also studying the collapse of the Weimar republic at the time, so the inevitable consequences of governments trying to print their way out of debt was pretty very fresh in my mind. And I think when you learn more about the history of gold in international trade and its roots as this amazingly elegant solution to "the problem of the coincidence of needs" in the barter system you begin to understand how important gold really has […]

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