Financial Experts See No Reason Why Bitcoin Adoption Will Not Happen

By September 14, 2016Bitcoin Business

Bitcoin has always been looked at as a way to make payments and disrupt money transfers. Although the financial world has opposed the idea of Bitcoin for the longest time, the tide may change soon. Financial experts feel the time has come to see cryptocurrency in the proper light: as a useful way to transfer money around the world. Cryptocurrency enthusiasts will be pleased to hear the time is nigh for Bitcoin. To be more precise, that is how some financial experts feel. This sudden change of heart comes at a time when the financial world is shaking up its last legs. At the same time, Bitcoin has seen a few small price increases over the past few weeks, further instilling confidence in the currency. There is still much to learn about Bitcoin and its underpinning technology. While governments and banks have delayed this inevitable study of the next generation of money, use cases for cryptocurrency have increased. Especially in the world of remittance, where lower fees and global availability benefit customers. Thanks to companies such as Satoshi Citadel Industries , Bitcoin is affecting the lives of many people for the better. The Switch To Bitcoin is Inevitable Understanding Bitcoin and the blockchain is not necessarily required to use cryptocurrency. It is good to see people show a keen interest in the ecosystem, though. There are plenty of genuine questions to be asked, but at the same time, these same questions have been answered thousands of times. Moreover, some questions have no proper answer, and the creator of Bitcoin will remain a mystery for quite some time to come. Education is direly needed. Not just by organizing conferences- usually overpriced – or Meetups Groups – often too informal. Education on Bitcoin and blockchain has to start in schools and […]

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