New Money on the Net

By September 18, 2016Bitcoin Business

Press Release: Every day innovative technologies become an indispensable part of our lives. If 20 years ago we could hardly get used to mobile phones, today we easily master the “Internet of Things”, “Smart homes”, navigation maps on smartphones and other easy-to-life innovations. The financial world is also not lagging behind the progress: electronic and even virtual money, i.e. cryptocurrency, often come to replace paper ones. Recently the new cryptocurrency entered the market – E-DinarCoin Revolution (EDR). Let’s see what are the advantages of this currency, how they can be earned and spent. Learn to earn! Where can you get the cryptocurrency? Obviously, this is not an ordinary currency. It is not issued by the central banks and does not depend on the monetary policy of a particular state. Emission occurs only in digital form, and anyone can get cryptocurrency (by means of mining). For this purpose, the processing power of the computer is used. What are the bitcoins themselves? It’s the sequence of unique encrypted data blocks. To put it simply, it is a certain sequence of ones and zeros. In order to get new bitcoins, you need to calculate a new unique sequence of blocks. The received blocks are transmitted over the network into bitcoins base. To calculate the blocks it is required to perform a large number of mutually independent calculations. Since calculations are mutually independent, they can be produced in parallel. Technically, the graphics processors perform such a task best (in video cards). The complexity of calculating units is growing over the time, and soon bitcoin (which is expected to disappear by 2030) will be replaced by new cryptocurrencies. At one time, bitcoin has spread out all over the world only for 1.5 years. Taking into account this success, many start-ups engaged in the development […]

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