Bitcoin Casino Delivers 5 BTC Winnings After KYC Standoff

By September 19, 2016Bitcoin Business

Reddit ser DjPxH recently took to the Bitcoin subreddit to complain that digital casino BitStarz, a regulated entity of the Caribbean island Curacao, was withholding a recent sizeable win of around 5 BTC he had achieved. DjPxH wrote in distress: I don’t mind providing address, bill utility (as I already did), bank account statement, but they are asking me for credit card proofs of deposits done in over 1 year (which I threw out as they were prepaid, or with old bank accounts…) (I made about 5 deposits (2 CAD, 1 USD and 2 EURO and these were made months and years ago). I was not asked for any proofs until I won today… Now BitStarz refuses to pay, states their ToS, when it’s literally fraud. If my account was such a problem, why would they have been accepting my deposit for the last year and approved all of the minors payments I receive. The post received a lot of attention. Various users warned against the use of this casino, citing their Bitcointalk trust reputation , where many people have had issues with it. One user even claimed to have been bilked out of 20 bitcoins. However, Bitstarz itself also paid the post a great deal of attention, and repeatedly stated that it was trying to stick with regulatory requirements in its jurisdiction. A representative from the company told DjPxH: All we need to make sure here is that no stolen card has been used, and you’re of course free to mask the first 12 numbers of the card if you feel uncomfortable showing all the numbers (which we totally understand). I’m not going to discuss publicly (for your own safety as I’m not going to out your private information online) why we came to this conclusion as I […]

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