What if ‘One Click’ Buying Were Internetwide?

By September 25, 2016Bitcoin Business

SAN FRANCISCO — Paying for things online can be cumbersome. Even the man who invented the web, Tim Berners-Lee, says he frequently throws up his hands. “Sometimes I will think that I bought something and I press the button, ‘Buy this,’ and I don’t realize it didn’t go through,” Mr. Berners-Lee said in a recent interview. “We are long overdue for a payments user interface for the web.” Responding to the frustrations of Mr. Berners-Lee and hundreds of millions of online shoppers, the web’s governing body, the World Wide Web Consortium, or W3C, has brought together the giants of the internet including Google, Facebook and Apple to fix the clumsiness of paying for things online. Now, a new global standard for online payments — a sort of Amazon one-click payment system for the entire internet — is being completed by the consortium and its members. Google, one of the authors of the standard, has recently introduced it in certain new versions of its Chrome browser. Other browser companies have said they intend to follow. The standard will provide a uniform way for users to input their credit cards and payment systems to any web browser so that they can be used for any purchase on the web. After the card details are entered once, they will automatically be called up as choices for all future transactions. This will be somewhat like the existing auto-fill functions that browsers have. But with the new standard, all the data fields will be filled in invisibly, requiring just one click. On the security side, rather than sending along all the credit card details, the browser will generate a one-time payment token that will avoid leaving your credit card number in countless databases around the world. Numerous efforts to modernize the payment system have […]

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