All Six Episodes of “Trust Disrupted” Now Streaming

By October 16, 2016Bitcoin Business

All Six Episodes of “Trust Disrupted” Now Streaming

If you’re up for a weekend of binge-watching, Trust Disrupted may be the show for you. The new series by TechCrunch, which delves deep into blockchain technology and digital currency usage, was announced earlier this month , and all six episodes are available to view. While Trust may be the first television show to fully cover bitcoin, it’s not the first time the digital currency has made an appearance on a syndicated program. Fans of Mr. Robot on USA network were treated to a subplot last season involving a character who frustratingly starts bitcoin services, only to see his servers crash and his coins get stolen. A new show called StartUp by Sony has focused on digital currencies , while Amazon’s Betas featured an episode dedicated entirely to bitcoin. Now, Japan is producing a reality show entitled BitGirls that seeks to educate the public on digital currency and promote further usage. It certainly seems as though bitcoin is rising up the ranks and earning the familiarity and reputation it has long fought for. All six episodes of Trust can be viewed either on TechCrunch or its respective YouTube channel . Below is a breakdown of each episode to give you an idea of what you’re missing: Episode One – An explanation of the blockchain is offered, along with the developers’ motives. The episode will also talk about how the blockchain will be used in the future, and how banks and governments are looking to integrate its power. Episode Two – This episode explores the world of bitcoin mining, and the growing role miners play. Episode Three – Bitcoin is given the option of “choosing” an identity; what does it want to be, and how does it see itself working for others? Episode Four – The rise of the blockchain […]

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