The force to be reckoned with: more crime-fighters join army against ransomware

By October 17, 2016Bitcoin Business

I’ve some good news to share: our alliance that aims to help victims of ransomware has become even stronger. We launched the project called No More Ransom together with Europol, the Dutch police, and our esteemed industry colleagues Intel Security just a couple of months ago. And we can now announce that we’ve just taken some new members on board – law enforcement agencies from a further 13 countries have signed up to fight ransomware together with the private sector. The new members are: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Colombia, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, no less. In just two months we’ve helped thousands of users get their data back – without paying more than $1 mln in ransom. And these new members are only going to improve things – to strike at the ransomware curse harder still. Ransomware is malware that attacks a victim’s computer by encrypting valuable files, and then demanding a ransom to decrypt them. It represents a growing problem all over the world. In the recent years we’ve witnessed a skyrocketing of such attacks – something like a 550% increase in 2015-2016 compared to the previous 12 months and the epidemics are far from over. The list of victims of ransomware grows longer by the day, and now includes hospitals , police departments , and all kinds of businesses, worldwide. The problem is that if your files get encrypted there’s precious little you can do without the decryption key – provided the malware was designed without flaws, that is. And you can only get the key from the criminals who attacked you, or from security companies and law enforcement agencies if they succeed in seizing the keys from the criminals. We hear a lot of talk (and to […]

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