Steemit Exceeds 100K Users, Plans to Expand Saving Steem

By October 30, 2016Bitcoin Business

Blockchain-based social network, Steemit, recently hit 100K users within its first 5 months of operation. It has also acquired 500K monthly unique visitors from all over the world with its unique blogging platform that rewards contributors. Steemit growth similar to Reddit Ever since Steemit launched in summer, 2016, it has gained a lot of popularity by its bloggers and curators while in beta with its goal to “redefine social media.” This is mostly due to Steemit’s popular system of rewarding people for voting and posting content on the platform with its own coin, Steem. Some are even comparing the Steemit stats to those of Facebook and Reddit which gained a million users and millions of visits within their first year with similar growth patterns despite its competitors preparing to enter the decentralized media network market such as Synereo and Yours. Steem’s downtrend However, with Steemit’s user base expanding, Steem, the coin behind Steemit has experienced a drop in its value . With over 75% of its $4 peak trading price lost, it is currently valued below $0.20 and yields a $26 mln market cap from its $359 mln high market cap back in July. Cointelegraph spoke with Ned Scott , CEO and Co-founder of Steemit about turning Steem’s trend around: “All we can do is focus on growing a thriving social network, and along with that design, a platform that creates an attention economy, in which STEEM becomes a currency for buying user attention on the social interfaces.” Scott plans on continuing Steemit’s development road-map and as Steemit continues to grow and improve, the platform itself will use an “attention economy” to prevent any more devaluation of Steem. He also says that Steemit will be improving profile pages, more ability to modify posts which will be part of establishing […]

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