Bitcoin Does Not Fit The Hidden Agenda Of Mainstream Media

By January 28, 2016Bitcoin Business

Bitcoin Does Not Fit The Hidden Agenda Of Mainstream Media. newsbtc Mainstream media has never been keen on Bitcoin and digital currency unless they were able to spread misconceptions or create negative press that was based on speculation. The popular digital currency has seen various iterations of attacks by mainstream media throughout the years, but journalists are quickly running out of ammunition. If these same writers decided to learn about Bitcoin, rather than spreading rumours and half-truths, things would look very different today. Don’t Believe Everything The Media Tells You

One golden rule of thumb to remember at all times is never to believe everything you read, hear or see . This phrase is valid for mainstream media, the Internet, and even real-life occurrences. There are plenty of people in the world who have a hidden agenda , and they will do everything they can to discredit certain things to their own advantage.

Even though mainstream media outlets earn good money by spreading the news to the general population, not all of their news is based on research, facts, or truths. After all, negative news will sell more papers or online subscriptions whereas positive news is read once and then forgotten about. As humans, we like to hear about catastrophes to make our own lives seem less dull and insignificant.

Bitcoin coverage is a prime example of how mainstream media decides to write things up about a concept they don’t even properly understand. Reiterating the same handful of facts will not lend their stories any more credibility, as it could very well have an adverse effect in the long run. Bitcoin is not backed by central banks or governments, but that doesn’t make it more or less of a risk than any other form of payment or currency the […]

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