Central Bank Monetary Policy Will Do More Harm Than Good

By April 16, 2016Bitcoin Business

Bitcoin users have no love lost for central bankers, and vice versa. Many central banks use rather unconventional monetary policy tools, which is causing friction within the banking sector itself. Something will have to change, as the advantages of Bitcoin and digital currency over central banks become more apparent every day.

Also read: EDCAB will Ensure Fair Bitcoin and Blockchain Regulation in Europe Central Bank Monetary Policy Needs To Come An End

When people in the Bitcoin world hear the term central bank , they will think of scenarios such as bank bail-ins, helicopter money , and endless printing of new currency which further devalues the previous supply. These types of monetary policy have been engrained in our society over the past few decades, but more people seemingly disagree with this stance, including several international central bankers.

Quantitative easing has been one of those monetary policy tools which have been causing a lot of friction lately. Industrial regions, such as the US and Europe, would be wise to move away from further easing, as it is doing more harm than good. While this may be a tolerable solution in the short-term, this policy will also prevent further innovation and adjustments in the financial world.

Bank-dominated economies are becoming a serious threat that needs to be countered properly. Mounting losses for banks while having them deny the need for help or change will lead to further financial issues and collapsing economies. This is another reason why the monetary policy needs to end. Otherwise economic growth will stagnate, and it will be much harder to find a solution to that problem.

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