BTCC Bitcoin mining pool launches rapid connection for customers in seven continents

By April 22, 2016Bitcoin Business

BTCC, one of the major Bitcoin mining pools, has launched its international service, whereby servers are deployed to rapidly connect customers to the pool from all seven continents.

"Our mining pool currently has customers from the United States, South America, Europe, China, and Africa," said Bobby Lee, BTCC’s chief executive officer. "The servers that we launched today will provide our current and future customers with much faster connections to our mining pool, regardless of where they are located."

The mining pool servers facilitate uninterrupted rapid connection to BTCC Pool, in this way minimising shares of miners’ work that are rejected as invalid because of unstable connections, said a BTCC statement.

"The servers we deployed today provide widely distributed low latency connections to our mining pool worldwide," said Mikael Wang, BTCC’s chief technology officer. "Providing stable and fast connections to our pool will help minimise members’ invalid shares and, therefore, increase their profit."

BTCC Pool’s deployment of international servers today was accompanied by the launch of a newly designed and fully bilingual website for the pool.

"The relaunch of the BTCC Pool site with all of our content now available in English is an important step in the expansion of our global footprint," said Samson Mow, BTCC’s chief operating officer. "Our introduction of a new pool website and servers today will allow us to better serve our customers in Latin America, Africa, the US, and Europe."

BTCC Pool , which was launched in October 2014, operates on a pay-per-share model, guaranteeing miners a return on their investment regardless of whether or not the pool mines a block. The mining pool also boasts 100% transparency in reward distribution, giving miners peace of mind that there are no hidden hash rate reductions. BTCC Pool has maintained 99.999% uptime and automatic twice-daily payouts since it was launched.

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