Vulture Capital Announces New Developments Following Its Cryptocurrency Crowdfunding Initiative

By October 28, 2016Bitcoin Business

NEW YORK, Oct. 28, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — Hedley Productions is happy to announce its success in introducing cryptocurrency to the film industry through its VCAP crowdfunding campaign. The VCAP campaign has so far raised the minimum required amount to start the pre-production and casting process for its upcoming feature film, Listen Carefully . With Hedley Productions continuing to raise the required amount through ongoing VCAP crowdfunding as well as new film and tech investors, the shooting has been moved to March 2017 from the later part of this year. To show transparency and accountability, the VCAP community was consulted before changing the shooting dates and they agreed upon this change. The initiative to create awareness about the use of cryptocurrency in filmmaking though Vulture Capital has been a new experience for all those involved. Vulture Capital has already gained a community of loyal followers who it believes will be instrumental in promoting, supporting and investing in VCAPs toward the Listen Carefully project. Hedley Productions intends to maintain maximum engagement with VCAP holders and other investors to ensure that they are constantly updated about and approve of any new developments. "While we got some very loyal VCAP pioneers during the crowdfund, the majority of what we raised to date was through companies with a focus on Bitcoin and Ethereum. Now that we’re expanding and showing more of what we’re going to shape into, we’re hoping to have more individuals buy VCAPs, because that’s how we can really start to have fun with people voting for the next feature and using Hedley Productions as a platform to let people know what they’re doing in the crypto space." Said Ben Padua, Producer at Hedley Productions. While Vulture Capital initially focused their investment efforts on the cryptocurrency community, they slowly began to garner […]

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