Tullett Prebon and BNC Will Provide Extensive Bitcoin Market Data to Major Financial Markets

By October 31, 2016Bitcoin Business

Comprehensive market data on Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple will be distributed to major financial markets through the partnership between Tullett Prebon Information and digital currency data provider BraveNewCoin (BNC) Tullett Prebon Information (TPI) oversees a clientele of leaders in the financial services industry, including banks, central banks, wealth and fund management firms. The leading multi-billion dollar interdealer broker’s market data branch, TPI is set to merge with a UK-based financial services company ICAP. Rapid adoption The deal between Tullett Prebon and BNC will immediately bring transparency on intraday pricing, liquidity index, and market data of over 50 digital currencies. TPI Head of Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa Andrew Reeve stated that considering the rapidly increasing adoption of digital currencies in a wide range of industries, offering digital currency data to its high profile clientele will allow the firm to lead the financial industry to digital currency adoption. Reeve announced: “We are excited to be working with BNC to provide much needed transparency, especially in light of current market volatility. This underlines our ability to stay ahead of the pack, providing intelligence on the markets of the future now.” Impact of Digital Currency Data Integration on Financial Industry TPI’s services and platforms, including the Spot FX pricing product, are utilized by major financial institutions and central banks globally. The formation of partnership between TPI and BNC allows the industry’s largest banking groups and establishments to gain instant access to the BNC Bitcoin Liquidity Index amongst other important digital currency data. BNC Bitcoin Liquid Index “As TPI’s ‘Spot FX’ pricing product is integrated thoroughly through the world’s Forex price plumbing, the addition of BNC’s Bitcoin and Digital Assets pricing to Spot FX means instant global coverage, giving institutional users easy access to this asset class via their existing & preferred […]

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