Bitcoin Price And The Weekend MoveBitcoin Business

Bitcoin Price And The Weekend Move

The bitcoin price holds sideways in pattern suggesting advance. Another rewarding week in the market and it does not look like the advance is giving up. Technical analysis finds price targets and risk levels. This analysis is provided by with a 3-hour delay. Read…
June 18, 2016
Why The DAO Attack is Good for EthereumBitcoin Business

Why The DAO Attack is Good for Ethereum

Mattew Spoke is the co-founder and CEO of blockchain startup Nuco, and is a former project lead for Deloitte Canada where he worked on blockchain and distributed ledger initiatives. In this op-ed, Spoke argues that this week's exploit of the Ethereum-based organization The DAO is,…
June 18, 2016
DAO Attacker Says 3m Ether Loss is LegalBitcoin Business

DAO Attacker Says 3m Ether Loss is Legal

With the Ethereum community and DAO Hub investors, all shook up things are starting to look worse for them in regards to retrieving the loss back. It seems the “attacker” has written an open letter to both camps concerning his/her rightful ownership of the 3,641,694…
June 18, 2016

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