

TheMerkle dICO PlatformEthereum

What Is the dICO Platform?

Although initial coin offerings have become a lot more popular over the past six months, they are not necessarily decentralized. All sales occur through a centralized website, which often Click here to view full article
September 26, 2017

Rocket ICO Soft Cap Reached

September 22, 2017, Minsk, Belarus. TheRocket ICO team is glad to announce that it has reached its soft cap of 500 ETH and continue to raise funds. 526 ETH Click here to view full article
September 23, 2017

Acebusters Makes Online Poker Fun Again

Since its conception, cryptocurrency has gone hand in hand with online gambling and poker. A project called Acebusters wants to make that relationship even stronger. Its new Dapp offers Click here to view full article
September 21, 2017
TheMerkle ICOs Selling QuicklyEthereum

Top 6 ICOs Which Sold out Quickly

The cryptocurrency ICO industry has reached a whole new level of hype over the past few months. Even though this sector has faced a lot of regulatory backlash, many Click here to view full article
September 18, 2017

All Today's Crypto News In One Place