


A Digital Identity Fit For The Metaverse

The coming rise of the Metaverse represents a new frontier for privacy, trust, and identity. A persistent virtual world where communications, finance, and personal profiles coalesce under one interoperable Click here to view full article
January 7, 2022
ar vr software developmentMetaverse

Metaverse: The New Web is Here, Where are You?

metaverse technology The metaverse isn’t just the latest buzzword of the IT industry but a fast-emerging (virtual) reality. Catapulted to prime time television with Facebook’s long-term commitment to become Click here to view full article
January 3, 2022
A 6 x 8 grid of cartoon faces of peopleMetaverse

I’m a Black Woman and the Metaverse Scares Me

Breigha Adeyemo, Doctoral Candidate in Communication, the University of Illinois at Chicago. Marginalized people often suffer the most harm from unintended consequences of new technologies. For example, the algorithms Click here to view full article
January 2, 2022


⚠️ This uses the new version of manager, if you're looking for the old one you can find it on legacy-manager branch. Tags compatible with latest manager follow the Click here to view full article
January 2, 2022
Woman wearing VR Glasses sMetaverse

How To Bet On The Metaverse

Summary ARK Research estimates revenue from virtual worlds could approach $400 billion by 2025. Roundhill Investments has created an ETF that tracks the major players interacting and creating within Click here to view full article
December 30, 2021

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