


What Are Parachains? Complete Beginner’s Guide

Every blockchain infrastructure fundamentally strives to achieve 3 main objectives: Decentralisation, Security and Scalability. The process of implementing all three principles simultaneously, however, constitutes one of the biggest challenges Click here to view full article
July 4, 2021

Cardano: The Perfect Storm

There are only two types of coins in the crypto space. Bitcoin and shitcoins and nothing in between. Sometimes the Bitcoin maxes are ignorant of the way they look Click here to view full article
June 25, 2021
Parachain Slot AuctionsPolkadot

Parachain Slot Auctions & Crowdloans

Parachains are advanced, next generation blockchains that transcend the limitations of legacy blockchain networks. Together they form the Kusama ecosystem, an interconnected network of specialized chains breaking down the Click here to view full article
June 23, 2021
Image: SuppliedPolkadot

Bitcoin is competing against innovation

Image: Supplied Crypto has arisen in an era when memories of the 2008 financial collapse are fresh and many people distrust the banking industry. Crypto combines many elements into Click here to view full article
June 11, 2021

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