

Binance officeBinance

Binance Banned in UK by FCA

Photo: Binance office in Singapore (TechCrunch) The FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) has this weekend banned Binance from all regulated activities in the UK. Britain’s financial watchdog issued a warning Click here to view full article
June 27, 2021
Alex Lightman Visions of the future, past and presentBinance

DeFi defying gravity: risk, reward, hype and FUD

DeFinition… DeFi is an acronym for Decentralised Finance, an ecosystem of decentralised applications (dApps) that provide financial services built on distributed networks without any centralised governing body. Decentralised finance Click here to view full article
June 26, 2021
Avoiding Crypto? You’ll Be SorryBinance

Avoiding Crypto? You’ll Be Sorry

Lately, it’s been impossible to avoid the crypto naysayers in the news: “Bitcoin, Dogecoin and Ethereum Are Struggling. Here’s Why” — CNET “Bitcoin Crash Wipes Out Nearly All the Click here to view full article
June 26, 2021

All Today's Crypto News In One Place